Getting Started
The following script will install OLMv1 on a Kubernetes cluster. If you don't have one, you can deploy a Kubernetes cluster with KIND.
Operator-Controller depends on cert-manager. Running the following command may affect an existing installation of cert-manager and cause cluster instability.
The latest version of Operator Controller can be installed with the following command:
curl -L -s | bash -s
Getting Started with OLM v1
This quickstart procedure will guide you through the following processes:
- Deploying a catalog
- Installing, upgrading, or downgrading an extension
- Deleting catalogs and extensions
Create a Catalog
OLM v1 is designed to source content from an on-cluster catalog in the file-based catalog (FBC) format.
These catalogs are deployed and configured through the ClusterCatalog
resource. More information on adding catalogs
can be found here.
The following example uses the official OperatorHub catalog that contains many different extensions to choose from. Note that this catalog contains packages designed to work with OLM v0, and that not all packages will work with OLM v1. More information on catalog exploration and content compatibility can be found here.
To create the catalog, run the following command:
# Create ClusterCatalog
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: ClusterCatalog
name: operatorhubio
type: Image
pollIntervalMinutes: 10
Once the catalog is being served, its content will be available for installation.
# Wait for the ClusterCatalog to be ready
kubectl wait --for=condition=Serving=True clustercatalog/operatorhubio --timeout=60s
Install a Cluster Extension
For simplicity, the following example manifest includes all necessary resources to install the ArgoCD operator. The manifest includes installation namespace, installer service account and associated minimal set of RBAC permissions needed for installation, and the ClusterExtension resource, which specifies the name and version of the extension to install. More information on installing extensions can be found here.
# Apply the sample ClusterExtension. Manifest already includes
# namespace and adequately privileged service account
kubectl apply -f
Upgrade the Cluster Extension
To upgrade the installed extension, update the version field in the ClusterExtension resource. Note that there must be CRD compatibility between the versions being upgraded, and the target version must be compatible with OLM v1. More information on CRD upgrade safety can be found here, and more information on the extension upgrade process can be found here.
# Update to v0.11.0
kubectl patch clusterextension argocd --type='merge' -p '{"spec": {"source": {"catalog": {"version": "0.11.0"}}}}'
For information on the downgrade process, see here.
Uninstall the Cluster Extension
To uninstall an extension, delete the ClusterExtension resource. This will trigger the uninstallation process, which will remove all resources created by the extension. More information on uninstalling extensions can be found here.
Extension installation requires the creation of a namespace, an installer service account, and its RBAC. Once the extension is uninstalled, these resources can be cleaned up.
# Delete namespace, and by extension, the installer service account, Role, and RoleBinding
kubectl delete namespace argocd