
How to uninstall an Operator?

In order to uninstall an operator, you need to delete the following resources:

Both Subscription and CSV are namespaced objects meaning you need to delete a Subscription and a CSV in a specific namespace where you install the operator into.

Delete a Subscription

If you wish to look up a list of Subscription in a specific namespace to see which Subscription you want to delete, you can use the following kubectl command:

$ kubectl get subscription -n <namespace>

You can delete the Subscription in the namespace that the operator was installed into using this command:

$ kubectl delete subscription <subscription-name> -n <namespace>

Delete a ClusterServiceVersion (CSV)

If you wish to look up a list of ClusterServiceVersion in a specific namespace to see which ClusterServiceVersion you need to delete, you can use the example kubectl command:

$ kubectl get clusterserviceversion -n <namespace>

You can delete the ClusterServiceVersion in the namespace that the operator was installed into using this command:

$ kubectl delete clusterserviceversion <csv-name> -n <namespace>

By deleting ClusterServiceVersion, it will delete the operator’s resources that OLM created for the operator such as deployment, pod(s), RBAC, and others. However, CustomResourceDefinition (CRD), that is installed by the operator, won’t get deleted during uninstalling process. Deleting CRD will resolve into deleting all instances of that CRD which may be used by other operators. CRD can be deleted manually if needed. Furthermore, deleting a CSV also deletes any corresponding CSVs that OLM “Copied” into other namespaces watched by the operator.

Alternatively, you can delete both Subscription and its CSV using a sequence of commands:

$ CSV=kubectl delete subscription <subscription-name> -n <namespace> -o json | jq '.status.installedCSV'
$ kubectl delete subscription <subscription-name> -n <namespace>
$ kubectl delete csv $CSV -n <namespace>