

This document focuses on troubleshooting unexpected behavior when installing and managing operators with OLM. This document contains 3 sections where we highlight how to troubleshoot specific OLM components:


Some of the commands listed below assume that you have yq installed on your system. While yq is not required, it is a useful tool when parsing yaml. You can install yq by following the official installation steps.

CatalogSource Troubleshooting

How to debug a failing CatalogSource

The Catalog operator will constantly update the Status of CatalogSources to reflect its current state. You can check the Status of your CatalogSource with the following command:

$ kubectl -n my-namespace get catsrc my-catalog -o yaml | yq r - status

Note: It is possible that the Status is missing, which suggests that the Catalog operator is encountering an issue when processing the CatalogSource in a very early stage.

If the Status block does not provide enough information, check the Catalog operator’s logs.

If you are still unable to identify the cause of the failure, check if a pod was created for the CatalogSource. If a pod exists, review the pod’s yaml and logs:

$ kubectl -n my-namespace get pods
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
my-catalog-ltdlp         1/1     Running   0          8m31s

$ kubectl -n my-namespace get pod my-catalog-ltdlp -o yaml

$ kubectl -n my-namespace logs my-catalog-ltdlp

I’m not sure if a specific version of an operator is available in a CatalogSource

First verify that the CatalogSource contains the operator that you want to install:

$ kubectl -n my-namespace get packagemanifests
NAME                               CATALOG             AGE
portworx                           My Catalog Source   14m
postgres-operator                  My Catalog Source   14m
postgresql                         My Catalog Source   14m
postgresql-operator-dev4devs-com   My Catalog Source   14m
prometheus                         My Catalog Source   14m

If the operator is present, check if the version you want is available:

$ kubectl -n my-namespace get packagemanifests my-operator -o yaml

My CatalogSource cannot pull images from a private registry

If you are attempting to pull images from a private registry, make sure to specify a secret key in the CatalogSource.Spec.Secrets field.

Subscription Troubleshooting

This section assumes that you have a working CatalogSource.

How to debug a failing Subscription

The Catalog operator will constantly update the Status of Subscription to reflect its current state. You can check the Status of your Subscription with the following command:

$ kubectl -n my-namespace get subscriptions my-subscription -o yaml | yq r - status

Note: It is possible that the Status is missing, which suggests that the Catalog operator is encountering an issue when processing the Subscription in a very early stage.

If the Status block does not provide enough information, check the Catalog operator’s logs.

A subscription in namespace X can’t install operators from a CatalogSource in namespace Y

Subscriptions cannot install operators provided by CatalogSources that are not in the same namespace unless the CatalogSource is created in the olm namespace.

Why does a single failing subscription cause all subscriptions in a namespace to fail?

Each Subscription in a namespace acts as a part of a set of operators for the namespace - think of a Subscription as an entry in a python requirements.txt. If OLM is unable to resolve part of the set, it knows that resolving the entire set will fail, so it will bail out of the installation of operators for that particular namespace. Subscriptions are separate objects but within a namespace they are all synced and resolved together.

ClusterServiceVersion Troubleshooting

How to debug a failing CSV

If the OLM operator encounters an unrecoverable error when attempting to install the operator the CSV will be placed in the failed phase. The OLM operator will constantly update the Status with useful information regarding the state of the CSV. You can check the Status of your CSV with the following command:

$ kubectl -n my-catalogsource-namespace get csv prometheusoperator.0.32.0 -o yaml | yq r - status

Note: It is possible that the Status is missing, which suggests that the OLM operator is encountering an issue when processing the CSV in a very early stage. You should respond by reviewing the logs of the OLM operator.

You should typically pay special attention to the information within the status.reason and status.message fields. Please look in the failed CSV reasons

If the Status block does not provide enough information, check the OLM operator’s logs.

Failed CSV Reasons

Reason: NoOperatorGroup

The CSV failed to install because it has been deployed in a namespace that does not include an OperatorGroup. For more information about OperatorGroups see operator-scoping.md.

Reason: UnsupportedOperatorGroup

The CSV is failing to install because it does not support he OperatorGroup defined in the namespace. For more information about OperatorGroups see operator-scoping.md.

Failed CSV Messages

Messages Ending with “field is immutable”

The CSV is failing because its install strategy changes some immutable field of an existing Deployment. This usually happens on upgrade, after an operator author publishes a new version of the operator containing such a change. In this case, the issue can be resolved by publishing a new version of the operator that uses a different Deployment name, which will cause OLM to generate a completely new Deployment instead of attempting to patch any existing one.

Debugging the OLM or Catalog operators

How to enable verbose logging on the OLM and Catalog operators

Both the OLM and Catalog operators have -debug flags available that display much more useful information when diagnosing a problem. If necessary, add this flag to their deployments and perform the action that is showing undersired behavior.

How to view the Catalog operator logs

To view the Catalog Operator logs, use the following commands:

$ kubectl -n olm get pods
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
catalog-operator-5bdc79c56b-zbqbl   1/1     Running   0          5m30s
olm-operator-6999db5767-5r5zs       1/1     Running   0          5m31s
operatorhubio-catalog-ltdlp         1/1     Running   0          5m28s
packageserver-5c76df75bb-mq4qd      1/1     Running   0          5m26s

$ kubectl -n olm logs catalog-operator-5bdc79c56b-zbqbl

How to view the OLM operator logs

To view the OLM Operator logs, use the following commands:

$ kubectl -n olm get pods
NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
catalog-operator-5bdc79c56b-zbqbl   1/1     Running   0          5m30s
olm-operator-6999db5767-5r5zs       1/1     Running   0          5m31s
operatorhubio-catalog-ltdlp         1/1     Running   0          5m28s
packageserver-5c76df75bb-mq4qd      1/1     Running   0          5m26s

$ kubectl -n olm logs olm-operator-6999db5767-5r5zs