
How do I install my operator with OLM?

Once you’ve made your operator available in a catalog, or you’ve chosen an operator from an existing catalog, you can install your operator by creating a Subscription to a specific channel.

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  name: <name-of-your-subscription>
  namespace: <namespace-you-want-your-operator-installed-in>
  channel: <channel-you-want-to-subscribe-to>
  name: <name-of-your-operator>
  source: <name-of-catalog-operator-is-part-of>
  sourceNamespace: <namespace-that-has-catalog>

For example, if you want to install an operator named my-operator, from a catalog named my-catalog that is in the namespace olm, and you want to subscribe to the channel stable, your subscription yaml would look like this:

apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
kind: Subscription
  name: subs-to-my-operator
  namespace: olm
  channel: stable
  name: my-operator
  source: my-catalog
  sourceNamespace: olm

Once you have the subscription yaml, kubectl apply -f Subscription.yaml to install your operator.

You can inspect your Subscription with kubectl get subs <name-of-your-subscription> -n <namespace>.

To ensure the operator installed successfully, check for the ClusterServiceVersion and the operator deployment in the namespace it was installed in.

$ kubectl get csv -n <namespace-operator-was-installed-in>

NAME                  DISPLAY          VERSION           REPLACES              PHASE
<name-of-csv>     <operator-name>     <version>  <csv-of-previous-version>   Succeeded
$ kubectl get deployments -n <namespace-operator-was-installed-in>
NAME                         READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
<name-of-your-operator>      1/1     1            1           9m48s

If the ClusterServiceVersion fails to show up or does not reach the Succeeded phase, please check the troubleshooting documentation) to debug your installation.